Bamboo cultivation can be a metaphor for life:
sometimes you have to pay attention, others you have to leave it alone to thrive by itself.
Bamboo, Taijiquan, living in Pittsburgh, part of the human family.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

phyllostachys one

This blog is the first in a series of blogs generated from the blend of my personal reading, research, studying and general living. My current interests range from music by Third Eye Blind to Mozart, from bamboo cultivation to tai chi study, and from hard sci-fi (from Jules Verne to Halo 2) to tech investing. I blend these varied interests, and others, to make my life (along with work, a long daily commute, and family).

This blog will primarily consist of short investment newsletters, to be sprinkled with other items from my list of interests as I have time to add them. My life primarily consists of work, and a long daily commute to/from work, so everything else fills in the nooks and crannies as best they can.

As for the name of the blog? Phyllostachys is a species of bamboo consisting of about 30 family members. See: []. My personal favorite (and potential enemy, of course) is Phyllostachys Vivax, which has been growing in my garden for about seven years now, here in Western Pennsylvania, USA. My interest in bamboo springs from a joint interest in oriental philosophies & martial arts, and gardening. Asian culture refers to bamboo as the "old man"...presumably because the bamboo is always green and it lives for so long (many decades) before flowering, going to seed, and dying.

As I work on this blog, I'll seek to update my personal webpage, and dovetail its existence into this blog. :-)


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Twitter: alex_landefeld
