Bamboo cultivation can be a metaphor for life:
sometimes you have to pay attention, others you have to leave it alone to thrive by itself.
Bamboo, Taijiquan, living in Pittsburgh, part of the human family.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

phyllostachys three: rhizomes and forex

I don't know much about rhizomes, aside from them being the pesky part of a running bamboo plant that you either find with a spade or with a sharp eye as it pokes its business end over a root barrier in search of greener pastures. But, I know even less about forex, or "foreign exchange", the "simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another" [].

That's the thing I love about the internet...if there's something you don't know about, do a Google search, and start across the next bridge of knowledge and understanding!

Although this may...

Darn! scooped by the WSJ again! :-)

WSJ - 12/14/04 - Personal Journal - "How Investors Are Playing the Weak Dollar" - Financial Services Offer Options Ranging from Currency Trading To the Purchase of Foreign Bonds.

More to come on your forex options, from Bamboo Thoughts.


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