Bamboo cultivation can be a metaphor for life:
sometimes you have to pay attention, others you have to leave it alone to thrive by itself.
Bamboo, Taijiquan, living in Pittsburgh, part of the human family.

Monday, November 12, 2007

phyllostachys 43: Minute Tech 28 show notes

28 - What is Veterans Day?

Good morning, this is the Minute Tech podcast -

coming to you for Monday, November 12th, 2007

We take a few minutes to talk about technology
This is Alex Landefeld with minute tech 28 - What is Veterans Day?

Tech items:

One of the greatest technological inventions of the modern era is the calendar.

Calendars gave all organized cultures the ability to measure time year in and year out, or month by month, week by week so that harvests could be scheduled, floods could be scheduled, religious festivals could by planned, logistical needs could be planned for...and birthdays could be celebrated.

Types of calendars:
- the Lunar calendar, based on the movements of the moon,
- the solar calendar, based on the movements of the sun,
- day-based calendar
- Multi-cycle calendar (day, week, month, year)
- a Fiscal calendar, which fixes months with a specific number of weeks, to enable month to month and year to year fiscal comparisons;
- an arithmetic calendar which uses calculation rules to determine the structure of the calendar.

Tech Question:

the answer to the question "what is Veterans Day" is enormously simple: A day on which we can honor those who've served in our military services, both in times of peace and war.

The answer to what comes after Veterans day is enormously complex.

The focus of Minute Tech this next week will be to discuss Veterans day and veterans from six viewpoints.

Today's viewpoint is just to understand. To take some time to reach out with your mind and "understand" all the facets of the word veteran. To serve. To fight. To kill. To police. To adjudicate. To enforce. To provide.

Thinking about veterans day is difficult because it encompasses a huge realm of emotions. To serve is an emotional decision. To stay at home while one serves is an emotional decision. To deal with return of a loved one is an emotional issue. To deal with no return of a loved one is a life-changing emotion.

Perhaps the best way to deal with Veterans day is to Thank all Veterans, equally...and to attempt to put yourself into the shoes, vicariously, of all others who made or lived with decisions made - the veterans are not the only veterans, but the families who supported them and the people with whom they came into contact during their time of serving: the townspeople, the supporting country and the "enemy combatants" of any conflict are now veterans. Huge ranges of emotions are encased in the one word "Veteran" - and the best way to deal with it is to take a moment to understand.

podcasting/blogging tidbit:

What is it to Twitter? What is it to blog? At what point do you feel burn-out....or do you have some way of recharging to discourage burnout from even entering your vocabulary?

Twitter is a good place to both gauge that in yourself, and recharge it. You gauge your potential for burnout when you see all the positive or negatively-charged comment streams and determine where you are within that stream....and take web journeys based on the TinyURL's posted by others to recharge: see the serious, see the business, see the social, see the inspirational.

Take a ride on Twitter. Let me know what you think!

Thats all for today on Minute Tech podcast.
you can reach me at -
and my blog is at

- The Calendar;
- What is Veterans Day?
- How to you experience Twitter-verse?

Go to the Minute Tech iWeb page to subscribe or listen to this podcast: Minute Tech.

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Twitter: alex_landefeld
