Bamboo cultivation can be a metaphor for life:
sometimes you have to pay attention, others you have to leave it alone to thrive by itself.
Bamboo, Taijiquan, living in Pittsburgh, part of the human family.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

phyllostachys 75: Minute Tech 60 Show Transcript

60 - Greetings and Salutations to 2008

Good morning, this is Alex Landefeld with episode 60 of the Minute Tech podcast -

coming to you for Tuesday, January 1st, 2008

On this tech podcast about the broader meanings of technology, we'll mention:

- iJustine, iPod, iRentals and iStocks;
- 2008: The Year of Health, Wealth, Religion and Work;
- Learning to Tune the iWeb RSS Settings.


Minute Tech podcast is brought to you in part by these sponsors:

Learn tai chi and qi gong with Pittsburgh-native Larry Tolbert. Having studied with Chen, Yang and Wu masters himself, sifu Larry Moves with the motion of the planet - e-mail leonardtolbert-[at]-hotmail-[dot]-com for more info.


Ravelings by Carol. Pittsburgh-region classes in needle-craft - encompassing crochet, embroidery, knitting, & tatting, as well as an associated lace collection. For more information, contact Carol at carolb207-[at]-alltel-[dot]-net.

Tech News: reports the following out of New Delhi: "The tiny iPod media device has slowly led to the demise of many of the music stores and venues across the United States. Many people feel that the lessening of music stores can be traced to the ability to download and record music on the portable iPod devices. But will the same thing happen to movie rental stores?"
Interestingly, dbtechno chose a picture of Pittsburgh-native Justine Ezarik holding her iPhone - she has become the unofficial spokeswoman for all things Macintosh...and now all things iPhone, so it's quite fitting that dbtechno would use her picture.
dbtechno on iPod

Related to dbtechno's question about movie rental stores, of course, is the news that News Corp's 20th Century Fox is entering a movie-download-rental agreement with Apple, just as Wal-Mart is exiting the movie-download-rental market. First, I ask you, what hope did Wal-Mart have in the business? Secondly, what hope have Blockbuster or Netflix now that Apple is jumping into the fray, with their AppleTV already in many homes? This by the way, could be the year that AppleTV gains some respect.

Jim Ritter, Health Reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times, reports on a University of Chicago study that suggests that those of us who are sleep deprived run the risk of diabetes as someone who is not sleep-deprived but has 20-30 pounds more body weight than we do. Ritter reports that two primary risks for diabetes are obesity and aging; that getting more "slow-wave" sleep is better, and that young people tend to get 80-100 minutes of slow-wave sleep, while the late-middle-aged get often not more than 20 minutes of slow-wave sleep, which is the most beneficial for the body.
Jim Ritter, Chicago Sun-Times

And finally, one stock tip for 2008: Apple, Inc. That's all I'll say. Whether you're short or long is your decision, but read this article on why Apple. Fool on Apple

Tech Question: Greetings and Salutations for 2008

Now why would I say that 2008 is to be the year of Health, Wealth, Religion and Work? I just think that these four areas cover many of our thoughts, hopes and plans for the future. As any new year begins, people list things. Here is a list of methods for Setting Goals, from Christoper S. Penn's Financial Aid Podcast, #704:

Setting Goals for the New Year
+ Originally part of the goma-kan, a Tendai Buddhist ritual
+ Figure out your goals - specific, measurable, with deadlines
+ Write them down
+ Figure out what external resources you will need to achieve your goal or goals
+ Determine what external factors will stand in your way
+ How will you get around them?
+ Figure out what internal resources you will need to achieve your goal or goals
+ Determine what internal factors will stand in your way
+ How will you get around them?
+ From your goals and meditations, create a timeline and plan to achieve your goals
+ Find a way to create a task that helps you achieve your goal every day and execute it without fail
+ Measure frequently and allow for slippage
+ Learn more about this ritual’s origins from master instructor Stephen K. Hayes
Financial Aid Podcast

Shel Isreal, blogger at and co-author with Robert Scoble of "Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers", penned these New Years resolutions. I'm repeating his resolutions, as I just have one...and feel that I fit quite neatly within his resolution #3:

1. Be more humble than anyone else. Be less competitive. 
2. Blog more.  Consult less. Screw the mortgage.
3. Suffer fools. Usually you can learn something if you listen anyhow. 
4. Know when it's my turn to shut up and listen. 
5. Go to Tweet-enders to cure this $#@&*& addiction. 
6. Do more video, lot's more.
7. Spend an entire week with family at Tahoe, connecting twice daily maximum. 
 8. Remember departed friends & remember life is for a limited time only. Exercise. Smell roses Spoil grandkids.     
9. Let communities define themselves. That's where the crowd wisdom comes in.
10 Rejoice. For George Bush will leave office shortly after the next New Year.
Global Neighborhoods

Podcasting - Blogging News:

Check out Jeff Pulver's Social Media Sunrise messages on Seesmic - on the dawning of this new year, he has cheerful things to say, against the backdrop of beautiful Miami skies. Jeff Pulver's Sunrise message

Just a couple of items about MInute Tech podcast:
I noticed at a friends house yesterday, that when you hit the subscribe button on the Minute Tech blog, iTunes only pulls down the most recent five episodes. Thinking this to be an RSS setting, I perused Apple's iWeb support pages, and found that you can have a max of 50 postings in the iWeb RSS, so followed the directions for altering that in iWeb. If you're so inclined (as the mp3's are on the blog site), delete your iTunes listing for MInute Tech and resubscribe after this show - you should see the most recent 50 shows. I suppose a custom RSS service would allow for more than 50...

That friend, Danny Sleator, has his own podcast - a recording of an actual public affairs radio-show - and blog at Danny has a much simpler workflow than do I - he actually hand-edits his xml RSS feed. In watching and communicating with others, we learn new ideas, new techniques.

Check out Danny's efforts at Left Out: Independent, Reality-Based Radio

Thats all for today on Minute Tech podcast.
you can reach me at -
and my blog is at

"Move with the motion of the planet - move with Taiji"

- iJustine, iPod, iRentals and iStocks;
- 2008: The Year of Health, Wealth, Religion and Work;
- Learning to Tune the iWeb RSS Settings.

Go to the Minute Tech iWeb page to subscribe or listen to this podcast: Minute Tech.

Interstitial music by Apple & Bre Pettis

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Twitter: alex_landefeld
