Bamboo cultivation can be a metaphor for life:
sometimes you have to pay attention, others you have to leave it alone to thrive by itself.
Bamboo, Taijiquan, living in Pittsburgh, part of the human family.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

phyllostachys twenty two: Tommy Vallier

Tommy describes himself thusly on Twitter: "Bio: Web developer, podcaster in training, general web geek. I live online when I can... I mean really, why not?".

Now, take a green frog, tie-dye rainbows, dv-camera-toting podcasters, free coffee and breakfast treats, sessions teaching all from branding to recording, and copious after-dinner drinks, and you have a great recipe for a podcasting conference with a little bit of Tommy Vallier mixed in.

The interview with Tommy represents the fourth in a series of eleven Podcamp Pittsburgh 2 interviews to be posted to Alex Landefeld's logos [dot] Blip [dot] tv videoblog site. Check out the previous three, presenting from first to third: Mark Rauterkus, Steve Brady and Richard Horn.

Noticing a severe misrepresentation in his interviewing for such a broad-based event as Podcamp Pittsburgh 2, Alex resolved to interview more women on his second day of shooting...and that's what he did, as we shall see from the next round of interviews to be posted.

Tommy Vallier's interview:


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Twitter: alex_landefeld
