Bamboo cultivation can be a metaphor for life:
sometimes you have to pay attention, others you have to leave it alone to thrive by itself.
Bamboo, Taijiquan, living in Pittsburgh, part of the human family.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

phyllostachys 82: Collecting Thoughts

At what point do you sit back and collect your thoughts, as the maelstrom of life swirls about you?

Pick a point, any point.

I'm picking this point.

Many, many indicators are pointing in the direction that it's time to be creative again. Minute Tech podcast faded in February of this year. Blogging in many forms also faded. Twitter suffered for several weeks. And I've been in such a general malaise (more figurative than literal) that I've not put finger to key to talk to the world in quite some time.

Podcamp Pittsburgh 3 is serendipitously coming up in the fall, and we all know how involving yourself in an event, and/or planning of that event, can help to jump-start the juices. I often allow external stimuli such as Podcamp Pittsburgh to help move me in the right direction, as I realize that my internal stimuli won't always do the jump-starting.

So, here I sit. I feel that to break out of the malaise, I must begin to create an artificial structure of the ideas I'm having, and then see how that structure brings the ideas into my creativity, and the creativity then renders ideas for the world to see them.

Here's just a brief synopsis of things:

Family activities:
vacations - what are those? you mean I have vacation days? :-)
visiting relatives - they all live outside of Pgh...
ice skating lessons - lessons for the offspring, refresher for me
reading - for fun and education
driving a certain little yellow car

Self learning:
stock market - learning and growing: aapl, bcsi, mrvc, ge, sncr, etc.
WSJ - learning and observing the world
Tai Chi - learning Wu Style, attempting to keep up with both Wu and Yang
philosophy - learning in relation to tai chi, evolution, science, business, etc.
Kayaking - expensive hobby, so how easy to build one? what materials avail, besides bamboo?
Canoeing - time to repair/refurb the kevlar Adirondack Guideboat...built originally by Charles
web development - slowly learning through on-the-job the huge number of facets this encompasses
Marketing - so many facets, on-the-job
Social Media - podcasting, blogging, Podcamp, etc.
Filmmaking/podcasting - create, produce, involve, learn the art(s)

projects: painting, trimming, cleaning, gardening, bamboo
maintenance: trimming, cutting grass, bamboo, abating wetness around the house
Sales - get old houses sold, on Craigslist, etc.
- 589 Ayers Ave., 15145
- 583 Ayers Ave., 15145
Rebuild antique barn - who to do this, at what cost?

What more? time for a few hours sleep, then more here.

BTW, partial catalysts for rekindling blogging here are the ongoing bloggings of Dawn Papuga, Justin Kownacki and Susan Courtad. :-)


Twitter: alex_landefeld
