Bamboo cultivation can be a metaphor for life:
sometimes you have to pay attention, others you have to leave it alone to thrive by itself.
Bamboo, Taijiquan, living in Pittsburgh, part of the human family.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Phyllostachys Six: Valentines Day, 2005

2-15-2005 -- Although I'm writing and posting this on the 15th, Valentines Day is still very much on my mind. Flowers, lovers, children, cupids, chocolate and unclean thoughts all rolled up into one holiday! Very powerful is the emotion of love...and if you're open to it's power, it can carry you a long way along the river of life! Everyone has to, of course, sort out for themselves if they're in love or in lust. Discussion topic for the next time you're at a party of mixed sexes: are the two really all that different? ;-)

Valentines Day brought another kind of love to the fore: AAPL hit another new high. Where will it stop...and what the 'ell do I care? I watch it bottom out at 12 last year (after buying in at about 24 5 years ago) and thought that I really should kick some more capital in...but you know how everyone says not to average down (which I do all the time anyways)? Well, I didn't average down with AAPL...and now I'm waiting for a second split to encourage more buyers. Big :-)!

Check out SCHK - - Schick Technologies makes digital cameras for the dental crowd. Their balance sheet rocks! (Never thought I'd use that phrase...but here it really applies). I originally bought at 8.50...and now bought again at 17. Looks like a stable techology, to provide a long, 5-year market rise.

Also, check out GRU, parent of the new Purported to be the next Google (in more ways than one?), could carry small investors for quite a ride. GRU's 52-week is 4.40 and 28.50...and it's now playing around the upper end of the range.

Does anyone know of anyone "sculpting" in bamboo? Ideas keep percolating through my noggin...but gotta spend some time with my culms before I subject any of them to my sculpting ideas. :=-)


Twitter: alex_landefeld
